Need Advice? Call - Penrith (02) 4704 9977, ACT (02) 6243 3607
Need Advice? Call - Penrith (02) 4704 9977, ACT (02) 6243 3607
To learn more about Family Dispute Resolution, Domestic Violence and where to seek help, listen to our interviews with Principal Lawyer Paul Mannion.
Paul Mannion from Family Law for Fathers talks about Family Dispute and how families can participate in family mediation to find positive results for both parties and how parents can put their differences aside to find a solution best suited for their children.
Paul Mannion from Family Law for Fathers talks about the different acts of Domestic Violence, shared care arrangements and how to maintain a meaningful relationship with your children.
Family Law for Fathers
Unit 3, 34 Woodriff Street, Penrith New South Wales 2750, Australia, (02) 4704 9977, 2 Phillip Law Street, Acton ACT 2601, Australia, (02) 6243 3607
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